0.40 uhr
geh einen schritt nach vorn u überprüfe wohin dich der weg führt
1.03 AM
She was told that he leaves at 1.30 AM. The street lights were not down yet. Perhaps someone saw her but she hid in the shadow of a bush when a car came by.
She left the note:
Now guess who is sliping you her number. I'd like to know more from you innocuously. I am not dangerous, just curious. You too?
He will probably not answer. But she can calm herself to at least have tried something new. Like in school when she put a sticker at the bike of her crush. Or how she put a chocolate bar in her colleagues letter box five years ago.
Both were not interested in her. But as it is said: no risk, no fun.
The last time she had fun was in december several years ago. She met a hot guy who picked her up at a bus station. They already spoke before, got to know each other. She was listening to some music before he came. He had a nice car. And they decided to go to a café first. But a few minutes later she rather preferred to go to his flat right away. He was surprised. When they sat at the couch, he enjoyed her having there and started to kiss her. He was a good kisser!!!!
After some time they changed the subject to the fact that he had finished renovating his sleeping room. She knew before what would happen when she'd say "Show me!"
5.15 uhr
Bis 2 nicht wirklich geschlafen. Gestern war ja auch Vollmond.
13.35 uhr
Change of place.
But no change of thoughts.
Like the girl from the story.
She saw that he left at 1.40 AM. Perhaps he had not found the note? Perhaps he is just too correct for a little advanture, or secret. She was beruhigt that she did not say yet who she was. In case he was not interested at all and she could keep her face.
She asked herself what life would be like if he did not react. As probably he wasn't that kind of man sending a lot of messages. But who knew if perhaps he was curious enough to try something new.
At least she knew it was worth trying as for the first time since 2 or 3 years, there was this rush of adrenaline in her blood. Just the thought of a posdible answer made her feel that way.
If he is not answering I will finally write down all my adventures with men. It means it was a good thing. No matter what.
optikercheck. Two sons.
Linkes Auge zuckt.
so nun etwas ruhen. Hab ja effektiv nur 3 Stunden geschlafen.
Bei einem Anschlag in Pakistan sind 9 Touristen sowie ein Bergführer getötet worden. Die Angreifer hatten ein Hotel in der Nähe des Berges Nanga Parbat gestürmt. Zu dem Attentat bekannte sich eine Extremistengruppe sowie die Taliban. [Quelle: Tagesschau.de]
Mal gut, dass ich nie auf die Idee käme in Pakistan Urlaub zu machen, geschweige denn einen Berg zu besteigen. Nichtsdestotrotz ist es schlimm, dass unschuldige Menschen, ohne auch nur eine Chance zu haben(da sie ja nicht bewaffnet waren), ermordet werden!!
Nun hab ich also eine Art Urlaub. Habe ja schon genutzt einen Babysitter zu haben, da ich nachmittags mal 1 1/2 Stunde schlafen konnte.
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