Samstag, 7. September 2013

Now. Relax. Take your time.


Relaxed. Nach der dusche.

Abwasch erledigt. Bzw. erledigen lassen.

Garage.. He was there. I did not know what to say.

Fotos geguckt. Vom Juli u. Februar.

Wow! Die Zeit!!

Wollte einfach etwas Ablenkung. Davon dass sie zur Rückkehr der Urlauber grillten. Wie wir, die wohl letzte Gelegenheit dieses Jahr nutzen. Deshalb Fotos gucken.

She was just jealous that they had his presense and she no longer. As she was not at all able to speak to him. Whatcha doin'? How are you? ...something like that. But if she was there with her "young vegetable", as a neighbor said to a 1 to 2 year old child, they would've had something to speak about.

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